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Tears, don't cry. Why are my eyes so watery?

February 10, 2024

Ever feel like your eyes are filled with sand, even after a good night's sleep? Or that your eyes are like a tap that won't stop leaking? That gritting, burning or watery sensation could be dry eye, a surprisingly common condition affecting millions worldwide. But why do our tears sometimes betray us, leaving our eyes feeling this way?

The problem lies in the thin film of tears that coats our eyes with each blink. This layer, called the 'tear film' is like a three-layer superhero shield, with an oily layer to prevent evaporation, a watery layer for hydration, and a mucus layer for adhesion. When any of these layers are compromised, the delicate balance is upset, leading to dry, irritated eyes.

So, what are the dry eye culprits? Age is a big one, with tear production naturally decreasing as we get older. Other suspects include environmental factors like wind, dry air, and screen time, which can accelerate tear evaporation. Medical conditions, certain medications, and even hormonal changes can also play a role.

But fear not, fellow dry-eyed friends! While there's no permanent cure, there are ways to manage the condition and find relief. Artificial tears are a popular option, available in various forms like drops, gels, and ointments. Addressing the underlying cause can also be helpful. In some cases, your doctor might also recommend specialized treatments like warm compresses or supplements.

Remember, dry eyes are rarely a serious threat, but they can definitely impact your quality of life. So, don't suffer in silence! Talk to your doctor and explore your options for a brighter, less tearful future... for your eyes, that is.

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